Saturday, July 30, 2011

Airconditioning on, please

Once back in Spain, I stay overnight in cool Tarifa and plan to take a bus to Ronda. But I miss the only bus of the day and end up going back up to Sevilla -which is ever so hot that even the tought of it takes me out of breath. There are two things I need to re-adjust my system to after Morocco: being on my own again and swapping my French back into Spanish. In Sevilla, I decide to invest in myself. I book a yoga class. It is perfect, phenomenal, as if it had been designed for my needs on that day. The lady who takes it carries amazing energy in her. I walk back to my backpackers feeling great.

Then, back on the road again. Two minutes to ten I'm at the bus station, the bus leaves at ten. I'm one of the last to get onboard and I manage to find an empty seat. I sit next to a girl and we start chatting. She is from Taiwan, also going to Ronda. She has an overnight plan, I don't. We end up sharing a room. We pay for it and get the keys. Then a question comes to my mind: 'what's your name? I'm Martta.'

No need to say that Ronda was also burning hot.

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