Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Becoming a panda, or maybe an owl

First we got some more snow, then the sun came out. Both conditions ment skiing.

The girls convinced me to join them and go to the Backside. Haven't been there for a long time and only couple of times on telemarks, so I was somewhat iffy about it. The iffyness then turned out so, that I got really shit scared in the beginning and then again during that tiny little ten metre hike we did (I was sure my feet wouldn't stick on the wall and I'd slip and roll all the way down to the bottom of the mountain and die, and the thought of it made me want to cry). It was windy, the snow counditions at the top were hard for me and it felt like we had been at the Himalayas in 8000 metres instead of the odd 3000 in the Alps. (I guess this is the downside of having a head full of imagination.)

But once the worse part was over, I actually enjoyed it again. The sun. The mountains. So peacefull.

The world is such a pretty place!

The day made me look like a panda. Or an owl. (I prefer the owl, because they can fly.) In other words, my face feels slightly sunburned where the helmet and goggles hasn't covered the skin. Better get myself some sun block.

(Thanks to my roomie for the last pic.)


Pampula said...

Upeita, upeita kuvia jälleen kerran!!!

Martta said...

Vuoret on aika kiitollinen kohde :-)